Posts tagged June 2021
Featured Publishing Professional: Arely Guzmán

I've wanted to work with books since I was a child. I'd found refuge and escape and magic in books, and I wanted to be a part of it. During college, I applied for nearly forty different internships for agencies and imprints alike, and heard back from one, working for Steven Malk. After my first day was over, I was convinced that my dream job was working for children's publishing. I loved everything about it: the complex layers of children's storytelling, the supportive community of children's professionals and writers, and the impact it has on its readership. Not only do I love children's publishing, I believe in it and it's potential to generate change.

Arely Guzmán is an editorial assistant at Knopf Books for Young Readers and Make Me a World. She grew up in the Tijuana-San Diego border, where she fell in love with reading as a little kid. She drinks too much tea but not enough water, enjoys deep conversations with her cat, and can't pronounce the word "burger."

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